The toilet stool and mobile bidet: two products that belong together like yin and yang. Both products offer real added value to practically everyone and ensure a much more pleasant toilet experience, and yet they have not yet reached the mainstream. Changing this is the mission of Lucius from Bidetlity and Daniel from Stuul. Below, Lucius and Daniel talk about their products, the health benefits and the challenges they face in making their vision a reality.


Hi Lucius, I'm delighted to finally have the chance to interview you. Others get to know each other through their children, we get to know each other through our products. But basically it's not that different - after all, they're our babies - a toilet stool and a mobile bidet.

Can you tell our readers the back story? How did you come to market a mobile bidet and who are the people behind this project?


Hello Daniel, thank you very much for the opportunity to do this interview. It's true, our products - our 'babies' - reflect our passion and commitment. At BIDETLITY, it all started with a simple but powerful aha moment. My co-founder Markus and I come from very different backgrounds - the hotel industry and the legal sector. But sometimes life takes an unexpected turn. Inspired by the birth of Markus' child and my travels showing the prevalence of bidets in different cultures, we recognized the need for a gentle, effective cleaning solution in a world that increasingly values environmental awareness and sustainability.

Bidetlity Mobile bidet butt shower coal


Sounds interesting! In Germany, we all grew up with toilet paper. It's completely normal for us to clean ourselves with toilet paper after using the toilet. It's normal for us. It would never occur to us to question it. Why do you think people should still switch to mobile bidet?


You're right, Daniel, toilet paper is a deeply rooted habit in Germany and many other countries. But that's the exciting thing: habits can change, especially if they improve the quality of life. A bidet offers gentler, more thorough and more hygienic cleaning than conventional toilet paper and is more environmentally friendly as it reduces paper consumption. In many cultures, cleaning water after using the toilet is already standard practice - an approach we can all learn from. Imagine your pet pooping on your arm. Would you just wipe it off with paper? No, you would use water. Just like this example, the bidet offers a really clean solution and is a small step in everyday routines, but a big one for personal hygiene and environmental protection.


stuul toilet stool pink



It's the same with us. People have become so used to doing their daily big business on a raised sitting toilet that it's completely normal for them. They simply don't realize that defecating in a sitting position is actually something very unnatural and can even be detrimental to their health in the long term.

And this is precisely the major challenge in marketing products such as our toilet stool and your mobile bidet: we don't just have to make a product known, we have to change people's habits in the long term. But if we succeed, then we have turned customers into real fans.

In my case, for example, it took me about two weeks to get used to the new routine with the toilet stool and mobile bidet, and now I can't imagine going back. I've noticed this especially when I'm traveling, which is why I now always take the toilet stool and the mobile bidet with me.

How are you dealing with this challenge? Changing the entrenched habits of the majority for the better? Or is there already a sufficiently large target group in Germany that already uses mobile bidets instead of toilet paper?


Just like you, the BIDETLITY butt shower has become indispensable for me when traveling. I was initially attracted by its sustainability, but now I particularly appreciate the quality of cleaning and the feeling of freshness. In addition to protecting the environment, it offers a new level of comfort and hygiene that conventional toilet paper cannot achieve. Incidentally, your Stuul toilet stool was also a real 'game changer' for me. The usual white plastic toilet stools always seemed so medical. The Stuul, on the other hand, has that lifestyle touch, which makes it much more accessible.

It is a key challenge that we are facing up to. Awareness of alternatives to toilet paper is growing in Germany, but there is still a lot to do. We are addressing a wide range of target groups, each with their own needs and motivations: People who place a high value on personal cleanliness and hygiene standards, women in pregnancy and postpartum, those struggling with health issues such as hemorrhoids, the environmentally conscious looking for more sustainable options, and even outdoor enthusiasts who don't want to sacrifice convenience while on the go. Our strategy is to change these habits for the better through education and awareness, supported by positive user experiences.

Bidetlity Mobile bidet butt shower aqua


That's really interesting and of course allows you to take a very structured approach to targeted marketing.

Finally, can you briefly explain to us exactly how your mobile bidet should be used? We keep getting questions about it, for example whether you have to do without toilet paper altogether or how to dry yourself afterwards.


Daniel, great of you to ask! Using our BIDETLITY butt shower is really easy and anyone can do it really quickly:

  1. Filling: Fill the intimate douche with cold or lukewarm water.
  2. Cleaning: While sitting on the toilet, use the mobile bidet to clean your rear intimate area by holding it behind you in the toilet. For cleaning at the front, simply hold it in front of you in the toilet. The sharp angle of the shower head allows you to precisely target the areas to be cleaned and the water stays in the toilet and doesn't splash out.
  3. Drying: You can then gently dry yourself with a few strips of toilet paper or a towel. Many of our customers report that they need significantly less paper than before. Alternatively, you can also use a small towel if you want to do without toilet paper completely.
  4. Storage: After use, simply hang the butt shower on its loop, e.g. on a wall hook.


Easy as pie ;-)

Thank you very much for the exciting insights and explanations. I think the two of us will continue to exchange ideas regularly next year and wish you all the best!

