The toilet stool blog for
your gut-brain axis.

Look forward to many fascinating stories, good tips and interesting facts.

Toilet stool on tour

Toilet stool homesickness when traveling

The number of toilet stool owners is now in the millions and is steadily increasing worldwide, and with it the number of traveling toilet stool owners. While travelling, they miss their toilet stool, with which they have developed a fixed daily routine on the toilet at home. They experience the so called "toilet stool homesickness".

Blog_Gesundheitliche Vorteile der Verwendung von Toilettenhockern

The Health Benefits of Using a Toilet Stool or Poop Stool for Better Bowel Movements

In this article, we'll once again delve into the many advantages of incorporating a toilet stool or poop stool into your daily routine for a more comfortable and effective bathroom experience.

Cagoon Aerostuffy Box_Toilettenhocker-Blog

Toilet stool made of high-tech material - 100% Made in Germany

We take a closer look at the unique material that our stuul toilet stool is made of. It is expanded polypropylene, or EPP for short, a real high-tech material with unique properties that is also used for other well-known and very popular consumer products from Germany.

Kau Dich schlank - Buchtipp stuul Toilettenhocker

A book tip for our toilet stool community

Our book tip for anyone who wants to do something for their digestion and doesn't mind losing a few unwanted pounds in the process: The recently published book "Chew yourself slim" by weight loss coach and chewing trainer Barbara Plaschka. This interesting read is the ideal toilet literature to go with our toilet stool.

Toilet Stool Pitch Blog

Toilet stool pitch on TV - final recap

It all started with the decision that we wanted to apply for the start-up TV show "2 Minuten 2 Millionen". In addition to the prospect of working with an experienced and well-connected comrade-in-arms, we were particularly excited by the chance to finally present our very special toilet stool to a wide audience in person.

Our gut microbiome: a super organ within a super organ.

Our gut microbiome: a super organ within a super organ.

In this blog post, we focus on the microbiome and its importance for our overall health and well-being. This is because the microbiome is not only crucial for the health of our gut, no, its influence goes far beyond the boundaries of the gut and extends to our entire body and even our mental health. To get to the bottom of this phenomenon, our founder Daniel invited Dr. Maren Kemper for an interview.  

Lucius - Gründer von Bidetlity Podusche

"Doing the big business right" - a mission that connects.

The toilet stool and mobile bidet: Two products that belong together like yin and yang. Both products offer real added value to practically everyone and ensure a much more pleasant toilet experience, and yet they have not yet reached the mainstream. Changing this is the mission of Lucius from Bidetlity and Daniel from Stuul.

Toilettenhocker helfen bei Problemen mit dem Stuhlgang während und nach der Schwangerschaft

Squatting on the toilet: How women benefit during and after pregnancy.

Are you pregnant and suffering from constipation? Or have you just given birth and now have pain during bowel movements? Then you're not alone. Pregnant and postpartum women often have problems with daily bowel movements.  If you have problems or pain with bowel movements during or after pregnancy, you should try the squatting position on the toilet. Here is why.

Nikolaus Gasche - Gründer von Mybioma

A conversation about the form and content of the human gut.

Stuul and myBioma move from different directions towards a common goal: the promotion of our gut health for optimal well-being! In doing so, they complement each other perfectly. While one focuses on the correct posture when going to the toilet in order to optimize the elimination processes, the other offers the possibility to explore and specifically support the individual microbiome.  

Birgut Behnke Ernährungsberaterin und Expertin für Darmgesundheit

Holy shit - a real smartass ;-)

Our founder Daniel talks to the renowned health expert Birgit Behnke who shows people in companies and in individual coaching sessions the connections between nutrition, intestinal health and exercise and wants to enable them to unleash their full power through very elementary insights into these topics.  

Toilettenhocker können bei Darmträgheit Schwung in den Stuhlgang bringen

Intestinal inertia

Intestinal sluggishness is a concern for many people. Constipation, flatulence and other complaints can become unloved companions. In this article, we take a fundamental look at the topic and show solutions such as more fluids, exercise, fiber and toilet stools.

Elisabeth Haider - Gründerin von Naturavella

Natural remedies for the gut. How nature can strengthen our health.

Our founder Daniel interviewed Dr. Elisabeth Haider, an expert in ancient herbal knowledge who has built a successful start-up out of her own story of suffering and her passion for local medicinal herbs. She is convinced that the foundation of our health and immune system lies in our digestive and detoxifying organs and wants to support the stomach, intestines and liver with her products.

Dr. med. Daniel Sterzing -  Proktologe aus Berlin

Expert Interview with Proctologist Dr. med. Daniel Sterzing

In this interview, our founder Daniel has five expert questions for the renowned proctologist Dr. med. Daniel Sterzing about the field of proctology, patients' health problems and grievances, and the importance of toilet stools from a medical point of view. 

Barbara Plaschka - Kau-Expertin

In at the top - out at the bottom. The importance of chewing for our gut health.

Our founder Daniel talks to a real chewing expert. You'll not only learn how important proper chewing is and how many areas of our intestinal health - including our bowel movements - are influenced by chewing, but you'll also get good tips on how to integrate proper chewing back into your everyday life.

Toilettenhocker können bei Hämorrhoiden während der Schwangerschaft Abhilfe leisten

Hemorrhoids Pregnancy

It is estimated that every second western woman is confronted with hemorrhoidal disease in the course of her life. As if this wasn't annoying enough, it usually occurs during pregnancy and/or after childbirth. Not that there is a good time for hemorrhoid suffering - but during pregnancy or after childbirth, you could probably do without it.

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