The toilet stool blog for
your gut-brain axis.

Look forward to many fascinating stories, good tips and interesting facts.

How to care for your toilet stool properly - and enjoy it for a long time!

How to care for your toilet stool properly - and enjoy it for a long time!

A toilet stool is naturally always located near the toilet. It goes without saying that hygiene is particularly important here. Our stuul® toilet stool scores twice when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. Firstly, because it differs fundamentally from conventional toilet stools due to its two-part design and the resulting cube shape, and secondly because of the unique material properties.

Toilet stool – Made in Germany

Toilet stool – Made in Germany

For reasons of quality, environmental and social responsibility, we have made a conscious decision to manufacture in Germany. In doing so, we are setting an example against the common practice of mass production at the devastating expense of the population and nature in third world countries.

Pelvic floor & toilet stool: Expert Pia Flake explains the connection

Pelvic floor & toilet stool: Expert Pia Flake explains the connection

In this interview with our founder Daniel, pelvic floor expert Pia Flake explains why a toilet stool is more than just an accessory. The experienced yoga teacher sheds light on the often overlooked importance of the pelvic floor for our health - from pregnancy to the menopause, from incontinence to sexuality.

A life before and after stuul.

A life before and after stuul.

A letter from our fans - Dear stuul team, there are those rare moments in life when you realize that there is a “before” and an “after”. Owning a stuul was such a moment for us, the community of proud stuul® toilet stool owners.

How do period panties work - and which one clicks?

How do period panties work - and which one clicks?

This interview is about the monthly menstruation. Unfortunately, most women seem to be doing something fundamentally wrong. To get to the bottom of this phenomenon, our founder Daniel invited nookees founder Janina Breitling for an interview.

Toilet stool on tour

Toilet stool homesickness when traveling

The number of toilet stool owners is now in the millions and is steadily increasing worldwide, and with it the number of traveling toilet stool owners. While travelling, they miss their toilet stool, with which they have developed a fixed daily routine on the toilet at home. They experience the so called "toilet stool homesickness".

Listen to the whole story of the stuul in one of the two PODCAST episodes.

have a laugh and

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