We analyzed our customer reviews and asked ChatGPT to write a humorous letter to us from the reviews. Here is the result 😂


Dear Stuul team,

There are those rare moments in life when you realize that there is a “before” and an “after”. One such moment for us, the community of proud stuul® toilet stool owners, was when this minimalist master of the toilet revolution came into our lives.

First of all, it's hard to believe how much a simple toilet stool can change your daily routine. Going to the toilet used to be... well, functional. You sat down, did what you had to do and that was it. A sober, almost mechanical process. But then the stuul® came into our lives, and suddenly we felt like we had a personal wellness consultant in our bathroom.

We were skeptical - who would have thought that the squat could work its magic on us? But we knew from the very first moment: There is something very special here. The stuul® not only met our expectations, it actually exceeded them. The ease with which it was integrated into our bathroom was just the beginning. The elegant shape, which fits like a chameleon into any bathroom design, no matter how minimalist, impressed us as soon as we unpacked it. “This isn't just a toilet stool,” we thought to ourselves, ”this is a design statement!”

But the stuul® isn't just beautiful to look at - it's also a real functional talent. Suddenly the days of uncomfortable sitting were over. There's this one customer among us who used to desperately wear her high heels to get her feet to the ideal height. Today, she wears nothing but a smile when she uses the stuul®.

The stuul® has shown us that squatting is not only an ancient posture, but also a surprisingly comfortable and healthy one. Since we stopped “sitting down” in an unhealthy way and started “squatting” elegantly, our well-being has improved considerably. We can hardly believe how much easier and more complete things are. Saving time is of course a nice side effect - less time in the bathroom means more time for the finer things in life!

But what impresses us most is the attention to detail that goes into every stuul®. The material is not only light and robust, but also wonderfully comfortable. It's this perfect mix of functionality and comfort that makes us rave about it. A stool that can be stowed away so effortlessly and yet conveys such a solid feeling of stability is nothing less than a small miracle.

And then there's the subtle humor: the stuul® is often a mystery to our guests. “Is that a sound box?” they ask curiously when they enter our bathroom. We then nod meaningfully, and only on second glance do they realize what is really standing in front of them. A toilet stool? No, it's a stuul® - the statement in the bathroom that shows that we care not only about our health, but also about style and sustainability.

Which brings us to another point: sustainability. The “Ocean” version in particular, which is made from recycled fishing nets, has taken our hearts by storm. We love the fact that we are using a product that is not only good for us, but also has a positive impact on the environment.

In conclusion, we have only one thing to say: Thank you, dear stuul team. You have shown us that a seemingly simple product has the potential to enrich our lives in so many ways. For us, there is no going back to the dark times before the stuul®. We would never want to be without it again - it is our daily companion, our little helper in the bathroom, our silent revolutionary.

With best regards and a wink, The satisfied stuul® community
